Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Here's a little post to help guide you during the endless holiday parties, feasts and functions! It is not my writing but from a fellow Etsy-ian, Swan Mountain Soaps, who decided to share an e-mail! My personal favorite - Tip number 2!


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who put carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving fudge.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare.. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It s a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think.

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. Ask for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple, Pumpkin, Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Black Friday - Cyber Monday

Ok, yes, I'll admit it. I will be contributing to the crazy chaos that seems to have been elevated to almost National Holiday status.

I won't be in the stores shopping. Any of my family will tell you, I am not a morning person. I have participated in the shopping frenzy the friday after Thanksgiving and I don't get it. Maybe because I am not a morning person. I will pay a little more for my gifts just to avoid the crowds, craziness and shoppers blinded by the thought of saving five bucks on the last "hot holiday toy" perched on the shelf at Toys R Us. I don't usually go for trendy gifts anyway.

So, as the times dictate, I will be having special prices in my etsy shop from November 28 through December 2. Check my store announcement for the special pricing for shipping, discounts and a special offer for international buyers. Why should they be left out? Us crazy American's with our national shopping holiday!....

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving! Now its time to find those comfortable jogging pants, add the new laces to the tennis shoes and pull that debit card out of moth balls! Now don't forget, add these last two reminders to your shopping list - wearing deoderant is necessary but carrying a purse is a waste of space! You can carry another bag with that hand!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Congratulations to the Winner!

The Filigree Garden was the first person to sign up to follow my blog! Congratulations! Her and her dear hubby made their soap selection from my etsy shop - they chose Tonic! A great green herbal fragrance. Refreshing! Good choice you two! Enjoy!
So now that I have a "groupie" following me around, I'll have to keep up with the blog, make the reading interesting and light! No pressure, right?

If you have the opportunity, stop by The Filigree Garden's etsy shoppe and check out her beautiful creations! I'm sure there's someone on your holiday shopping list that would love to be spoiled by her unique hand crafted goodies!
Thank you Filigree for participating in my little give-away! I hope you enjoy the blog - and the soap! =)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Giving away a free bar to my first "groupie"!

First person to sign up and follow my blog will win a free bar from my Platinum Collection!

You can check out the fragrance descriptions at my etsy boutique! or click through on my etsy mini!------>

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's a new week!

Started the week off with two new listings at Etsy. I figured...since foul weather is soon to be here, it's time to break out the balms and butters! I use both all year long but I also have dry skin. Some peeps find thick butters too much in warmer weather but are perfect for weather-proofing the skin when the flurries start to fly!

This Vanilla Lavender Butter Bar is so rich and luscious plus it smells great! I love to schmooze it on right before bed.

Nothing beats a light pepermint-y lip balm! With cocoa butter and hempseed oil this lip treat glides right on! It adds a little shine but you won't feel like you've just eaten a greasy bucket-o-chicken!

I'll be whippin' up a few more batches of butters and balms over the next few days. Unique flavors and some de-vine scents for butters!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Day number two - we're getting there!

Boy...I thought I would be able to figure this out! It's harder than I thought! Page layouts, templates, gadgets.... Posting will be easy compaired to setting up the page to the look I want!

Oh well! Keep on chuggin' away!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Get to blogging!"

Ok. So I did it... Not sure when I'll have the time but hey - why not! So this is my first post and I'll be working on the layout and content over the next few days. As you know brand recognition is everything!

Keep checking back. You don't want to miss a thing!